Biodegradable Product News and Plastic Bag Facts

Find out news regarding biodegradable products, plastic waste, links to great information.

Begin Living a Greener Future

The problem is plastic waste Its on a global scale threatening our future with its degradation into toxic residue. Our goal is to eliminate the use of plastic bags and start to incorporate biodegradable bags only. It takes 500 to a 1000 years or plastic to degrade. These figures are catastrophic to the health of our planet. It is time we join in the global movement to become a greener planet and begin to take care of our earth and environment. We need to start now by taking this responsibility, personally, as global citizens to help alleviate this enormous problem.


Make a commitment:

”I pledge that I will REUSE plastic

I pledge to REFUSE plastic

I pledge if I get plastic I will RECYCLE it”

I pledge to use only biodegradable products.

The big solution is to start using available biodegradable products now ! You can make an huge impact by immediately using biodegradable grocery bags. Are you aware that only 1% of grocery bags are recycled?

*Quote from Afroz Shah, attorney and environmentalist
copyright 2019 Sally H. Rumman

Sally Hobbib Rumman